These web pages have been updated for Spring 2024. If you have any questions, contact me by e-mail.


FIN 422-Student Managed Investment Fund–Spring 2024   

Section 1: 10:00-10:50 AM MWF, Somsen 315

Instructor:      Larry Schrenk, Associate Professor of Finance, Department of Finance

Contact Information, Office Hours, Etc.:  See my Home Page.

Links to Financial Resources

Capital IQ Resourcs



NEW Course AI Tutor: This course has a chatbot designed to answer questions about the mechanics of the course and the course content. You can use this to find information, explain concepts, get examples, test yourself on the material, etc. Further instructions are available on the chatbot webpage. IMPORTANT: This is a preliminary, beta version; absolutely no guarantees of accuracy are implied. 

FIN 422 Chat

Click on the links for information about each subject:


Please note that the policies in the syllabus are subject to change at the instructor's discretion.