For further information, please send me an e-mail.


FIN 440 International Finance–Spring 2018     

Section 1: 10:00-10:50 AM M, W, F, Room 304 Somsen

Instructor:      Larry Schrenk, Assistant Professor of Finance, Department of Finance

Contact Information, Office Hours, Etc.:  See my Home Page.

Links to Financial Resources

CRSP/Compustat Page


New Textbook Policy: To limit the cost of course materials, my usual textbook policy has been to allow students (whenever possible) to use the previous edition of the textbook. That means a student could typically get the materials for one of my courses for less than $25. I developed this policy before textbooks had online homework software packages. These can be an important tool for learning. Considering the availability of these tools, I have slightly amended my policy:

If the course does not require an online software package, you may continue to use the previous edition of the textbook; if there is an online software package available, and I think that it is important to require it in the class, I will only do so if the total cost of all required material is less than $150.


Course AI Assistant: This course has a chatbot to help with the course. You can use it to find information, explain concepts, get examples, test yourself on the material, etc. IMPORTANT: This is a preliminary, beta version; absolutely no guarantees of accuracy are implied. I would appreciate feedback or suggestions


FIN 440 AI Assistant


Click on the links for information about each subject:


Please note that the policies in the syllabus are subject to change at the instructor's discretion.